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Is Paris Burning?

Authors: Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre
Genre: non-fiction, historical

           This is the third book of Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre that I have read. I found this book after looking for it for almost three years! I must say that like the previous two books I enjoyed this one a lot as well!

        The book is about the fate of Paris in the last year of the  second world war. The book recounts the events spanning a month. With the allies decision of bypassing Paris on their route to the liberation of France from the Germans; and Hitler’s firm resolution that if the Allies get Paris, they should find nothing there but rubble, the fate of Paris seemed to be sealed. However, the presence of a German General who doubted the decision of his Fuhrer, the firm resolution of France’s previous ruler- Charles de Gaulle and his brave soldiers, as well as the unending courage and conviction of the Parisians themselves; Paris is saved.

        As with their previous works, the events are recounted in the form of thrilling trail. Through numerous small incidents they bring the readers face to face with the sufferings of the French under German rule, and the many small and large battles fought by the French soldiers on their route to the liberation of this iconic city. They also portray in great detail the struggles of the General of Paris, Cholitz who dared to disobey the orders of the Fuhrer because he believed that Paris must not be destroyed.

        The writing style is elegant and enthralling. As always, the events are extremely detailed and thoroughly researched. I think their books in general are one of the most fun ways to learn history!

        I would highly recommend the book to any history lover or anyone interested in the second world war in general.
